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A workers’ spring in the heart of “the workshop of the world"

A series of conflicts and strikes have affected a large number of manufacturing plants in China since May and June 2010. In a country whose labour force is the largest in the world (estimated at about 300 million people) and which represents a huge market, labour disputes are quite frequent, though they rarely get attention from the western media. According to the official Chinese magazine “Outlook Weekly”, there were 280,000 labour disputes in 2008 and they increased by 30% during the first half of 2009 compared to the previous year. The new attention focused on the conflicts of May and June is undoubtedly not fortuitous. These conflicts may be indicative of changes that should be analyzed.

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Hugo Gonzales Moscoso (1922-2010)

Michael Löwy pays tribute to the historic Bolivian Trotskyist leader Hugo Gonzales Moscoso, who died in January 2010.

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Mexican women - then and now

Mexican women’s lives — their work, their family life, their educational opportunities, the health care they can expect, their social standing, and political participation — have changed over the hundred years since the Mexican Revolution. The country has gone from being overwhelmingly rural to mainly urban; between 1930 and 2000 average life expectancy rose from 34 to 75 years; the conditions in which women do housework and care for children and the sick — still almost exclusively their responsibility — have changed enormously: the majority have running water, gas for cooking, indoor toilets, and homes with flooring.

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